Box 39022, James Bay Postal Outlet,
Victoria, BC,V8V 4X8
Answering machine: (250) 383-5144 Ext. 3087
email: info@vlscs.ca website: http://vlscs.ca
VIOLA – Your Electronic Newsletter from VLSCS – Pride Edition, Issue 2
Victoria Lesbian Senior Care Society has members from ALL age groups who support the work of helping care for senior lesbians. Visit and register with our website at http://vlscs.ca for news and more.
Further introductions of the members of the board –this edition it is Sharon King
I was introduced to the VLSCS community years ago while visiting my son who was attending U Vic. I called the number listed in the Pink Pages for the Island and spoke with…. a gal who I had played hockey with at U Western Ontario!!! Small world indeed! The reason I called that number was to connect with women who had a desire to assist the women of our community as they age. And so I met karen Gallagher (my hockey playing buddy’s partner) at least over the phone. I have only lived in Victoria 2 years–I spent all my life in London Ontario.
I went to the university there and taught PE in local high schools. I studied for my masters in Psychotherapy and Counselling and ran my own practice while working for a national Employee Assistance Program. Perhaps not surprisingly, I became ill with chronic fatigue syndrome and I could not work regularly. About this time I published London’s annual Pink Pathways directory and the monthly Pink Paper with the help of my partner. We also organized the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Annual fundraising Golf Tournament for several years. I came to Victoria to reclaim my health—that has been a success!
I have been very fortunate to work with a great group of women on the board and as volunteers over the past 2 years. I hope we can continue to provide activities, events and resources for the senior women of this community.
VLSCS has attempted to create a safe, accessible, and friendly space for lesbians in our area. The James Bay New Horizons Center has become the hub for VLSCS sponsored activities. The center staff and volunteers have continue to be open and welcoming.
With their help we continue to offer a range of activities and events that attract a mix of older and younger women. We are grateful to JBNH for their continued generosity of space and spirit.
VLSCS SPONSORED ACTIVITIES —- See updates of these events on our website www.vlscs.ca.
WEDNESDAY COFFEE DROP IN—- continues to attract a wide variety of women. It is often the venue for new women to meet other lesbians in Victoria. Conversation is unstructured and runs from the serious to sometimes loud and jocular! At $1 drop in fee for the center and free coffee/tea it’s a bargain!
FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE — This event began over a year ago. We have hosted more than 100 lesbian movies with the help of many volunteers!!
The format of Friday Nights has evolved . The center is available for us to use for major events such as the READER”S FORUM ( see description below) , for smaller activities like L WORD pizza nights, and first run movies!
on Fridays: Brand new releases and some classics make up this summer’s movies. Also some PG rated for whole family!! Check out the date for each movie on the website www.vlscs.ca! Plan to be there for your favourites.
Kicking and Screaming Imagine You and Me
Better than Chocolate Mulholland Dr.
High Tension Bend It Like Beckham
The Truth About Jane Pretty Persuasion
High Art Producing Adults
The Dreamers A Family Affair
Rhonda our movie host for the past several months has provided door prizes from the following :
Red Cedar Moon Farms – Brentwood BAy 652-2088
– Brentwood Bay Lodge and Spa – 544-2079
– Blue Coyote – Brentwood Bay Pub and Restaurant
– Quattro Staggione – Brentwood Bay Healthfood Restaurant-652-1228
– Breadstuffs Bakery – Brentwood Bay-652-5162
– Thunderbird Insurance Victoria – Trish contact.
VLSCS thanks them and asks that you support these businesses
To host a Friday event go to http://www.vlscs.ca and click Forums, and Friday Volunteer Information for hosting instructions.
— continues to offer our more senior women a chance to meet and socialize. While the younger women are always welcome to join our activities ( and many do!) the choice of events may be somewhat quieter and earlier.
Our Pride event this year — breakfast at Swans Hotel will still give us time to attend the Drag Ball Game in the afternoon.
THE GALA — Our social highlight for many years . This year the Gala will be at the Delta Ocean Pointe in mid-October 2006.
This dance brings VLSCS and the lesbian community into the focus of the wider community in Victoria. Major events like these need lots of volunteers to make them a success. Go to http://vlscs.ca and click on Forums, to find your opportunity to volunteer.
— The Health Fund provides reimbursement to VLSCS members who live in Greater Victoria and the lower Gulf Islands, for the cost of products and services and for health related concerns not subsidized by other resources.
This fund has been provided for members to use at your time of need. We often hear women say that you should not take this money from others who deserve it more! Please consider that you can re-pay the fund through donation when your need is over and you are able to finance your own treatment needs.
VLSCS has been invited to speak at the Gerontological Nurses Group of British Columbia
, Victoria Chapter meeting in November 2006. Our topic will reflect the important role health care providers can play in supporting diversity among older people, with emphasis on the issues related to heterosexism.
We often hear of vacancies in a building where a lesbian lives. Notices of this nature can be posted on our web site www.vlscs.ca and click on Housing so that other lesbians may apply.
On March 10, 2006 VLSCS sponsored this highly successful event at James Bay New Horizons, 234 Menzies, Victoria—-84 woman attended!!! VLSCS provided wine and snacks before the performance.
The readers gave accounts of lesbian disclosure. They read women’s accounts of their challenging and affirming explorations of what it is like to stand under the sign of lesbian . It brought to life this time of their lives with humor and sensitivity.
On Sunday April 9 from 1pm to 4pm at James Bay New Horizons the Poster Project explored how to create openness and acceptance of lesbian and gay people in senior residences, agencies and institutions .
Members of vlscs discussed political action that will contribute to creating safe space for non- heterosexual people (lesbian, queer, gay people ) in our health care system and with our social agencies amid the climate of heterosexism.
One of the outcomes of the VLSCS Inclusion Project, completed in 2003, was the suggestion that lesbian women would like to see more representations of their own ‘realities’ reflected to them in health care agencies and seniors services. Posters depicting welcoming space have been made VLSCS. A project is beginning to distribute these posters along with some information about heterosexism and how to create welcoming space for lesbian – gay – queer people.
We hope that this will be the first of other projects addressing needs for social action in our community
Watch our website at http://www.vlscs.ca for more information on these ongoing discussions
is a newsletter published quarterly by BC Coalition to Eliminate Abuse of Seniors. Gillean, who recently has agreed to become a member of the VLSCS board, serves as an editor to this magazine. Gillean is a published author of novels and poetry and she has contributed the article about VLSCS and our Inclusion Project to the Spring 2006 BC CEAS edition.
She says, in part , that VLSCS is ” in the midst of designing a pamphlet to educate public caregivers about how even the language of surveys and agency training/policies can exclude older lesbians from feeling free to discuss their sexual orientationor social,physical and health-related needs.”
“The work of VLSCS is crucial:outreach, education workshops to service providers, networking with senior-serving agencies and organizations, advertising VLSCS and getting it on mailing lists of other agencies.”
You can see our VLSCS Inclusion poster on the cover and read the entire article at http://www.bcceas.ca/news.shtml
Since our purpose and focus have been shifting, we will be lobbying again for a change in our charitable status so that we will have the ability to issue tax receipts. A status change will assist us with fund-raising for the many short term and longer term projects in which we are currently involved.
Please contact us if you can assist us in this endeavour through our website at http://www.vlscs.ca
VLSCS will sponsor a gathering of GBLTQ GROUPS and support agencies on Sept 22 at James Bay New Horizons. This “get to know you” event will ensure that we all know each other’s goals. It may also give us an opportunity to join forces to increase our political action potential.
The portable library at JBNH is ready to go. Mara has volunteered to keep track of our growing number of books. VLSCS would like to thank the women who have donated many new novels and reference materials to the library.
Members of VLSCS will be able to borrow books from the cart on Wed Coffee and Fri event nights.
To Join or Renew Your Membership Today! Get the printable membership form here: http://www.vlscs.ca/modules.php?name=Membership
We have digitized the members lists so that the members can be notified about upcoming events, special sales opportunities or when their membership is up for renewal.
Email newsletters will be published regularly and sent to members .
We have the processes to service a greater number of members efficiently, so we can expand our member rolls. See the website http://www.vlscs.ca for membership information.
—- the annual general meeting will be on Sunday Aug 27—details of location and time will be posted on our website
This is the a special version of VIOLA – July 2006 for the 55 plus group
If you would like to be sent an occasional electronic newsletter contact newsletter@vlscs.ca
If you would rather receive a hard copy of the newsletter, via regular post, contact VLSCS on our website http://www.vlscs.ca and click CONTACT at the top of the page. Don’t forget to provide your full mailing address.
Thank You for your time,
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