The purpose of the Victoria Lesbian Seniors Care Society is to support the health and social needs of lesbians as we age by ensuring safe, accessible, welcoming spaces for social interaction to build a sense of community through public education and social action.
Contact chair @ vlscs dot ca
The Victoria Lesbian Seniors Care Society (VLSCS) incorporated as a non-profit society under the province of BC Society Act on November 6, 1996. We transitioned our Constitution & Bylaws to the new Societies Act in 2018.
In December of 1994, a dynamic group of lesbians under the auspices of the Victoria chapter of the Status of Women Action Group (SWAG) formed a steering committee for the Lesbian Senior Care Society, with a vision to improve the outcomes for lesbian as they aged. Over the next two years, the Steering Committee developed a Constitution and Bylaws, held fundraisers, and conducted an important needs assessment survey. They set up finances and administration for the organization, created committees to handle specifics, and crafted policy and procedures.
Their passion and dedication served the lesbian community well, giving lesbians a place to meet and greet, to dance, have fun, debate, and educate. Local lesbians embraced the opportunities to interact beyond the bar scene, where they could really get to know one another on a personal level and help to build a sense of community in a meaningful manner.
Initially, there was a strong focus on acquiring housing dedicated to the support of lesbians and their partners as they aged, housing that ensured thoughtful, respectful care and acknowledged the lesbian lifestyle. Over the years there was a transition away from a focus on housing initiatives due to lack of funding and feasibility. Subsequently, the purpose of the society was redrafted to reflect that change.
Today, we continue to be an amazing group of dedicated women who self-identify as lesbians, proud of our past accomplishments and looking forward to ever more success as we continue to grow and evolve in the 21st century.