Box 39022, James Bay Postal Outlet,
Victoria, BC,V8V 4X8
Answering machine: (250) 383-5144 Ext. 3087
email: info@vlscs.ca website: http://vlscs.ca
VIOLA – Your Electronic Newsletter from VLSCS – March 2, 2006, Issue 1
Victoria Lesbian Senior Care Society has members from ALL age groups who support the work of helping care for senior lesbians. Visit and register with our website at http://vlscs.ca for news and more.
Very Exciting Upcoming Event – Lesbian Readers Performance – Friday, March 10th, 7:30 pm, James Bay New Horizon Center. See below for more details.
It is the intention of this board to introduce to you members in each issue. This issue we would like you to meet our chair Patti Parkyn:
I was first introduced to VLSCS by attending a Gala dance in 2003, and haven?t looked back. Serving on the Board has been a wonderful opportunity for me to blend my personal and professional lives in a way that supports other woman. Professionally, I have been a Registered Nurse in the field of Gerontology (older adults) since 1987. Working as a manager, an educator, a clinician, and a consultant in both the hospital and community settings, I have come to realize the “absence” of the lesbian voice in our older population. I am proud to be out at work, and use my daily interaction with people and peers as a way to acknowledge lesbian issues in the health care system. I would like to acknowledge and thank the many volunteers both on the Board and in the community who help VLSCS to grow and strengthen. This is a very exciting time in the life of this organization and I am so blessed to be a part of it!
VLSCS has attempted to create a safe, accessible, and friendly space for lesbians in our area. The James Bay New Horizons Center has become the hub for VLSCS sponsored activities. The center staff and volunteers have become open and welcoming. The staff even helped board members to meet the future PM’s wife at a campaign stop at JBNH (James Bay New Horizons) ? an educational experience for Mrs. Harper I am sure!
With their help we continue to offer a range of activities and events that attract a mix of older and younger women. We are grateful to JBNH for their generosity of space and spirit.
VLSCS SPONSORED ACTIVITIES (begun in 2004 and ongoing) See updates on our website.
WEDNESDAY COFFEE DROP IN—-attracts a wide variety of women and often is the venue for new women to meet other lesbians in Victoria. Conversation is unstructured and runs from the serious to sometimes loud and jocular! At $1 drop in fee for the center and free coffee/tea it’s a bargain!
FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE — This event began over a year ago. We have hosted more than 100 lesbian movies with the help of many volunteers!!
The format of Friday Nights is evolving. It may be a double feature and a pizza night, games night, or perhaps a special event. Continued use of JBNH on Fridays will give other interests a chance to be heard.
To host a Friday event go to http://www.vlscs.ca and click Forums, and Friday Volunteer Information for hosting instructions.
55 PLUS GROUP — met on Tuesdays at JBNH long enough to figure out that many of these women are still working, so events would have to be after work hours. They do their planning in the virtual world of emails and the internet.
Two potlucks have been great successes and more are planned. The group also spent an afternoon learning acupressure techniques with Bonnie Hardy and planned their financial futures with Tanya Anderson .
More informational events such emergency/survival planning are in the works.
THE GALA — The gala has been a social highlight for many years and will continue to be in the future. This dance brings VLSCS and the lesbian community into the focus of the wider community in Victoria. Major events like these need lots of volunteers to make them a success. Go to http://vlscs.ca and click on Forums, to find your opportunity to volunteer.
HEALTH FUND — The Health Fund provides reimbursement to VLSCS members who live in Greater Victoria and the lower Gulf Islands, for the cost of products and services and for health related concerns not subsidized by other resources.For example:
It is 2pm in the afternoon and you just got home from a Doctors appointment having heard there is nothing, other than surgery that can be done to stop the urinary dribbling you have been experiencing over the past 6 months. Unfortunately, feminine hygiene products just don’t keep you dry enough, and yet that is all you can afford. It has gotten so bad that you hesitate to leave the house for fear of the odor and constant need to be close to a washroom. You would love to go to the next LOVI dog walk or WCN dance but you are just far too embarrassed. Somewhat discouraged you mention this problem to a very close girlfriend who asks you if you have heard of the VLSCS Health Fund. She continues to tell you that, as a member of VLSCS you could potentially qualify for reimbursement for incontinent products and in fact, incontinent products are one of many items and services that are considered. With new found hope you log onto http://www.vlscs.ca and find out more information about the Health Fund.
HOUSING has been a concern of VLSCS and the aging lesbians in our community. Recently there has been an attempt to examine the existing facilities and support available for lesbians in the community at large. It has been noted that the staff of some facilities are aware that lesbians have differing needs and, indeed, many of the staff members are lesbians or gay men. The difficulty seems to be that staff and clients are not encouraged to come out and so cannot say what would make them comfortable.
More needs to be done in this area.
Also, we often hear of vacancies in a building where a lesbian lives. Notices of this nature can be posted on our web site www.vlscs.ca and click on Housing so that other lesbians may apply.
Perhaps our political will could convince powers that be!? If this interests you attend the Political Action/Education Discussion (see below) or go to http://www.vlscs.ca, click on Forums, and click on Political Action Projects.
The Poster Project will be an afternoon devoted to exploring how to create openness and acceptance of lesbian and gay people in senior residences, agencies and institutions .
Join us on Sunday April 9 from 1pm to 4pm at James Bay New Horizons .
Watch our website at http://www.vlscs.ca for more information
Since our purpose and focus have been shifting, we will be lobbying again for a change in our charitable status so that we will have the ability to issue tax receipts. A status change will assist us with fund-raising for the many short term and longer term projects in which we are currently involved. We would appreciate the help of any woman to assist us in this endeavour. Please contact us through our website at http://www.vlscs.ca
VLSCS will sponsor this event at James Bay New Horizons, 234 Menzies, Victoria
Doors open at 7:30pm Performance begins at 8pm
This performance of accounts of lesbian disclosure ~ challenging and affirming what it is to stand ?under the sign of lesbian? ~ brings to life this particular constructed category of orientation with humor and sensitivity.
A Discussion will follow
Cash Bar and snacks available
Admission by donation to VLSCS
Bring yourselves, your friends?anyone wanting to explore what it is to say “I am a lesbian”
We expect to have a portable library at JBNH soon. Members of VLSCS will be able to borrow books from the cart on Wed Coffee and Fri event nights. Books will be non-fiction in nature.
Some lesbian novels and DVDs may possibly be added to the mix.
VLSCS will sponsor a gathering of GBLT and support groups prior to Pride Week. This “get to know you” event will ensure that we all know each other’s goals. It may also give us an opportunity to join forces to increase our political action potential.
Join or Renew Your Membership Today! Get the printable membership form here: http://www.vlscs.ca/modules.php?name=Membership
We are in the process of digitizing the members lists with the hope the members can be notified about upcoming events, special sales opportunities or when their membership is up for renewal. We also hope that email newsletters will be published regularly. When we have the processes to service a greater number of members efficiently, we can expand our member rolls. See the website http://www.vlscs.ca for a membership information.
This is the electronic version of VIOLA – delivered to your email address you registered with VLSCS. (You’re reading it now.)
If you would rather not be sent this occasional electronic newsletter reply to newsletter@vlscs.ca with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject.
Printable versions of our Newsletter are available shortly after the electronic version is sent out. Go to: http://www.vlscs.ca and click the Newsletter link. Feel free to print and share the newsletter with other women who have no access to the internet.
If you would rather receive a hard copy of the newsletter, via regular post, contact VLSCS on our website http://www.vlscs.ca and click CONTACT at the top of the page. Don’t forget to provide your full mailing address.
Hard Copy versions may be available at outlets around Victoria.
Thank You for your time,
The VLSCS Board
If you would rather not be sent a electronic newsletter reply to this message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject.